Welcome to the University Academic Advisement Center!
The University Academic Advising Center (UAAC) is here to guide you through your academic journey. The UAAC’s Academic Advisors provide academic guidance and related services to students with 0-59 credits (Freshman and Sophomore classifications). Students are assigned to an advisor based on their major, while those with 60+ credits are assigned to a college success advisor and/or a faculty advisor in their major academic department. This model is designed to strengthen the connection between students’ experiences in Academic Advisement and their respective departments, ensuring they benefit from both faculty mentorship and professional advisement services. Academic advising services are also provided to students who are enrolled as JSUOnline students or who are part of our athletic program.
Each Academic Advisor assists students with the following:
- Developing academic and professional goals during their undergraduate college experience and beyond
- Understanding the purpose of general education and its relation to curricula
- Degree Mapping for a four-year degree plan
- Utilizing the DegreeWorks advising/graduation audit system
- Identifying and assisting with resolving academic issues related to grades, academic progress, and degree completion
- Addressing personal, social, and financial issues that serve as barriers to academic success
- Creating an Academic Action Plan if a student is having academic difficulties

We Are Here To Help

UAAC Resources
Contact Us
H.T. Sampson Library
2nd Floor, Suite 2200
Jackson, MS 39206
Phone: 601-979-2127
Email: advising@muurausahvenlampi.com
Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.